Seussical promo shoot and cast photo session

Promo-shots , cast photos, 40 performers, 28 degrees Celsius in the hall, and over-heating flash lights.  We planned for a 3 hour deadline, and an hour and a half extra if we needed it, but things went so smoothly we finished earlier than expected and with great results too!  A big thanks to Kenney Ogilvie and the team for making it happen today. Over the coming week I will be polishing up these pics for print and promotions for The Regals Musical Society, so I better get to it then! 🙂

Also, the Suessical show dates are Nov. 22nd – 24th and Nov. 29th -Dec. 1st, purchase your tickets to the show here.

The regals seussical rehearrsals
The 3rd and final group of cast to shoot
photography portrait setup
“Step right up, step right up!”
This was my chosen portrait setup for the shoot
You can see that I had my towel and some water nearby because it was hot in there, especially with me setting up the equipment and all the isometric tip-toeing, crouching and squatting for the shots. There is also a second flash on the ground to alternate them when they over heated or ran out of batteries.

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