The southern side of Hong Kong, just one half of the alluring “Pearl of the Orient”, a British/Chinese mega-metropolis that covers a very little portion of China’s vast landmass. It is one of the world’s leading international financial centers, this business district, where the international exchange of currency is the main contributor to its economy along with its reception of foreign direct investment.
Check out this beautiful side of Hong Kong, a modern jewel (click image below to enlarge). Captured on an almost clear summer night, walking along the famous ‘Avenue of the Stars’ in Kowloon. It is a panoramic image composed of 10 30 second landscape (horizontally orientated) images stitched together and edited in Photoshop and Lightroom with my signature style. The equipment used was my newly purchased Canon 16-35mm F2.8L mounted on my Canon 50D with a corded remote shutter trigger, with the whole kit mounted on a tripod of course!
Buy your copy of this Hong Kong panoramic today in 12×36 inch for AUD$150, and get free matte and framing. Offer last until 28th of February.
For more information of Central district in Hong Kong see Wikipedia’s page (Don’t forget to donate to Wikipedia to keep this great resource going).